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小君 29 2020


2020 - 06 - 29 -企业-压缩机- stn -长-安全- - 1200 x675记录.jpg

安全 is a top priority for the team working at the Enterprise Compressor Station in Kansas, 就像在庞大的ANR管道系统中的许多团队一样. 但 the Enterprise team’s 65-year record of zero lost time due to safety incidents proves that they walk the safety walk as much as they talk the safety talk.

早在1990年,企业号就庆祝了它已经了不起的35岁th anniversary of no employees missing work due to job-related injuries. 当时, 这一遗产给布鲁斯·哈格曼留下了深刻印象, then a new member of the team and now the manager of the Flint Hills Area. The Flint Hills Area is in the southwest region of the ANR system; it spans from the Oklahoma-Kansas border, 通过堪萨斯, 进入密苏里西南部. 在企业的30年里, Bruce has gained decades of insight into how exactly the team maintains its superb safety standards.

“这对我来说是显而易见的, 甚至在头六个月, 我所处的文化与我以前所处的文化不同,布鲁斯说. “不同之处在于,团队中的每个人都有一个一致的目标, 真正的目的是确保另一个人不受伤. It was never about only looking out for yourself; it’s about watching out for each other’s safety.”

布鲁斯也指向了清, proactive communication among team members as a major key for achieving 65 years of no lost time. Bruce’s coworkers over the years would always go out of their way to share their knowledge about specific pieces of equipment to minimize risks to their peers. “他们会走过来对你说, ‘嘿, 那东西有这样的倾向, 所以你应该意识到.’”

类似的, the Enterprise team plans the safest ways to take on different tasks by sharing past experiences. 布鲁斯的笔记, “When we sit down and discuss things about doing a project or doing a job, everybody pitches in about different things that they had seen over the years that might get you in trouble.”

The final piece of the puzzle of Enterprise’s stellar safety record, 据布鲁斯说, 是诚信的文化吗. 考虑到他在进取号工作了30年, Bruce is at the point where everybody he had been initially working with has retired. 但, 即使团队里的人来了又走, 诚信的共同价值观, respect and 协作 are passed along and remain as the core culture of the Enterprise team.

When someone new joins the team they recognize how we have always worked together. Then they buy into this culture of 完整性 because we really have become one unit where everyone enjoys working around each other.”
